Unravel Interview at Broken Frontiers
For several years now, international comic wunderkind Tony Lee has been wowing the world with his critically acclaimed column, 'It's Only A Comic'. From the humble beginnings at silverbulletcomics.com, to the critical success (and minor abuse) that he has recieved with the more recent regular monthly column in Comics International, he has constantly amused his audience with tales like 'the fan who stared at my penis', or 'when I got stuck in JFK overnight with a scary man.' Oh, I chuckle to even type this.
But times again are changing. With the sale of Comics International and the resignation of Dez Skinn as editor, Tony sat down with new editor Mike Conroy and, after a long discussion decided to part ways.
'We started with the traditional bantering of insults, followed by the giving of midgets.' Tony explained. 'But in the end it was decided that as I was some hoity-toity Markosia person now, I might find myself conflicting shomehow. I might start pimping my own stuff. Like I hadn't already. I mean, come on, does anyone there read my column? I spent half a column talking about Tales of Midnight for Christs sake!'
But with Dez now gone, Tony felt that it was indeed time to move on, as the restraints that a new editor would put on his column would contradict with Dez's earlier edict of 'F*ck it, let's make the buggers squirm.'
But fans of It's Only a Comic need not fear, for within hours of the news being released that Tony was now unemployed (again - does this guy ever hold down a job?), Craig Johnston of Silver Bullet Comicbooks, home of 'All The Rage', 'Fool Britannia', The Panel' and other sites that aren't by Tony's friends offered him his own bi-weekly column.
'I was drunk by this point.' Explained Tony. 'I mean, it was past 11am, you know? I need to drink a quart a day or my eyes bleed. Anyway by the time I was sober I had a new site, a new logo, a new column - and a new sidekick.'
That new sidekick is miniscule supervixen Daniel 'Viscount Du'Lamange' Boultwood, who SBC felt was integral for the column.
'He stares at us.' Said Craig Johnson from Silver Bullet Comic Books. 'Like a little puppet dressed in 40's clothing. And he never speaks. Sometimes he cries, or touches his teddy in inopportune places. The guy's not right. He scared us into putting him on the ticket.'
'I'll be writing a column every other Monday.' Tony continued. 'That way I have the weekend before to smack Dan out of his Meth-filled state and cobble some old bollocks together. I'm sure it'll be brilliant.'
With a ninja guaranteed in every article, Tony promises to keep the standards of his new column as low as humanly possible.
'I have no earthly idea what the hell we shall be talking about.' He finished. 'But it'll be, um, interesting.'
It's Only A Comic will be up at Silver Bullet Comicbooks every alternate Monday from the 5th of February 2007. If you have any questions, or wish to be mentioned or interviewed by Tony (with the occasional assistance of Dan) - then email them on itsonlyacomic@gmail.com.
Phoenix Comic-Con This Weekend
I will be attending this years Phoenix Cactus Comic Con. This weekend (Jan 26th -28th) at the Mesa Convention Center.
Guest include Mike Mignola, George Perez, Angel Median, Eric Balsuda, Howard Chaykin, Tone Rodriguez and many more.
I will have copies of 30 Days of Night: Spreading the Disease 1 & 2 along with a few other things for you to look at.
For more information, go to this link: http://www.phoenixcomicon.com/
Come on out and say "hi"!
I'm alive...
But I am back. And I will be here more often...
Send your pitches to Tony Lee !
Here's an excerpt from the Newsarama story:
"We've brought in new designers, new letterers, and we've convinced long term writer Tony Lee to take the position of Group Editor, with his remit being an overseeing of the current Markosia line and the creators that produce them. I know that over the last couple of years Tony has deliberately built a 'brand' for himself of being a happy-go-lucky chancer with a love for climbing trees, but don't fall for it - at all times at Markosia he has been a consummate professional, he is one hell of a writer and editor, knows the current line intimately, and this is a logical and natural progression."
Read the full story here!
Markosia's Official Website
New Contest
I'm running a contest over on my Myspace page. I'm giving away sketch cover editions of the first two issues of 30 Days of Night: Spreading the disease.
Go here to enter: http://blog.myspace.com/danwickline
And if you want to know what the prize is, just ask my friend Crash.
30 Days of Night: Spreading the Disease #1 in Stores Now!
The first issue of the new 30 Days of Night mini-series hit stores last week and the reviews are coming in. Some good, some not so good. But it seems that those who are fans of the title like the new storyline.
We start with Mitch Montgomery over at Silverbullet Comics who refered to the story as "well structured" and the art "terrific overall". He even gave the book a 4 targets out of 5. Though not his normal cup of tea, he does say "If you enjoyed the 30 Days series, I'm sure you'll like this." His full review can be found here: http://www.silverbulletcomics.com/news/story.php?a=3519
We move over to Pop Syndicate where Rae Rae reviewed the issue with comments like: "The storyline is great" and "People who love horror and detective comics will love this." Read the full review here: http://www.popsyndicate.com/index.php/site/story/30_days_of_night_spreading_the_disease1/
I few keystrokes later and we find ourselves at Mania.com where Kurt Amacker who said very nice things like: "a compelling mystery reminiscent of the better moments in The X-Files" and "Spreading the Disease leaves no doubt that the series remains safe in Wickline’s capable hands". You can read Kurt's entire review at: http://www.mania.com/53209.html
And just to show I take the good with the bad... Comic Pants reviews all first issues of the week and Dave Farabee seemed to pull the short straw and read a book he had no interest in reading. The nicest thing he could find to say was: "it fits the franchise history". You can read his full review at: http://comicpants.com/?p=926
The Comic News Insider mentioned the book in thier latest podcast. They liked it but didn't love it. Seems they had a problem picking up the story but they did say if you're a 30 Days fan, pick it up.